S. Martel Roofing offers cedar roofing services in Ottawa


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S. Martel Roofing’s Cedar Roofing Services

Cedar roofing is one of the most aesthetically pleasing roofing systems available. Not only is cedar durable and practical, but it is also energy-efficient and offers a natural and timeless appearance. As one of the oldest roofing materials still in use today, we offer cedar roofing services for homes and businesses throughout the Ottawa-Gatineau region.


What are the benefits of choosing a cedar roofing?

Why Choose a Cedar Roof? If you’re building your dream home, choosing the perfect roofing material can be a challenging task. One option to consider is a cedar roof, which we recommend in Ottawa.

  • Cedar is a moisture-resistant material that has the characteristic of shrinking very little under high levels of humidity. This gives it great durability, as once installed, it retains its original dimension and remains straight regardless of the weather conditions. The fixings will also not loosen over time.
  • In addition to its moisture resistance, cedar is capable of withstanding UV rays, insect damage, and even fire. Cedar roofs manufactured by reputable companies are also fire-resistant. If you’re looking for a roofing material that can withstand most, if not all, elements, cedar is an excellent option to consider.
  • Cedar is a lightweight and easy-to-work-with material, allowing for precise cuts and neat finishes.
  • Due to its great strength, cedar is a wise choice for durable and reliable roofing. This is especially recommended to reinforce the structural integrity of your home.
  • Thanks to its natural thermal insulation properties, cedar helps maintain a comfortable temperature inside your property throughout the year. By opting for a cedar roof, you can reduce your heating and cooling expenses.
  • If you opt for cedar, get ready to enjoy its striking charm that will enhance the exterior look of your property. Cedar will add a rustic touch to your home. For an even more distinctive look, you can opt for cedar shingles.

If you are still unsure about choosing a cedar roof for your home or business? We can help you make an informed decision. We will help you add value and style to your property by choosing a cedar roof. If you need repairs or maintenance for your cedar roof, we are here to offer you reliable service.

Request a free quote for your roofing needs in Ottawa today from S. Martel Roofing

With over 30 years of experience in the roofing industry and ★★★★★ reviews, we are trusted experts for all your roofing needs.

613 880 0976