Roofing Services

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If you are looking for a reliable roofer in Ottawa, your search ends with us at S. Martel Roofing

Searching for a reputable and competent roofing company can be discouraging and exhausting for many people. At S. Martel Roofing, we eliminate the stress and hassle associated with this task by quickly and efficiently diagnosing your roofing problem and offering an affordable solution. We have the necessary expertise to repair your roof, allowing you to relax knowing that your roof is in good hands.

Friendly roofing professionals in Ottawa with S. Martel Roofing

Our team consists of highly skilled and experienced roofers who possess vast knowledge and expertise in all aspects of roofing. We take pride in offering professionalism, reliability, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We undertake all types of residential roofing work. If you wish to obtain a quote, you can contact us by phone or fill out the form on our contact page. We do not send commissioned salespeople; instead, we send experienced and practical assessors who will provide you with a cost-effective, no-obligation quote. At S. Martel Roofing, the interests of the customer are at the heart of our roofing business.


Different types of roofing

Whether it’s renovating a tile roof or installing shingles, our roofing contractors can handle any project, big or small. We have repaired and installed all types of roofs. We understand the specific needs of each roofing system and are committed to providing the best recommendations so our clients get excellent value for their money. Providing exceptional service is a priority for us, and our goal is always to exceed expectations and stand out from the competition.


We use high-quality materials at S. Martel Roofing


The quality of your roofing system heavily depends on the materials used during installation or repairs. Choosing low-quality materials can result in significant additional costs in the long run. That’s why our roofing contractors in Ottawa only work with the highest quality materials for every roofing project. We will help you invest wisely in a roofing system that is worth it. Our contractors have a strong track record of excellence, so you can rest assured that your roof is in good hands. We take care of material selection and keep you informed throughout the project. We always make sure you know exactly what you’re paying for before we begin work.


S. Martel Roofing guarantees the superior quality of our work

At S. Martel Roofing, we are a team of fully licensed and insured roofing professionals in Ottawa. Our staff is certified, and we carry adequate insurance to protect our clients. We are committed to delivering superior quality installation, which is why we conduct thorough roof inspections before recommending any project. We take into account all factors, such as condensation and ventilation issues, to identify the underlying problem and provide an appropriate solution. At all times, we are honest and transparent with our clients and never mislead them.

High-quality roofing repairs and maintenance services.

S. Martel Roofing provides high-quality roof repair and maintenance services. We understand that roofing systems can encounter various problems such as missing shingles, damaged flashings, or clogged gutters and downspouts. No roof maintenance issue is too complex for our skilled contractors. It is essential to address repairs in a timely manner to avoid future problems that can cost much more. Regular inspections can help you avoid many roofing problems that can cause significant damage to your property if not detected on time. We are here to inspect your roof, recommend appropriate maintenance, and perform necessary roof repairs.


Request a free quote for your roofing needs in Ottawa today from S. Martel Roofing

With over 30 years of experience in the roofing industry and ★★★★★ reviews, we are trusted experts for all your roofing needs.

613 880 0976